For you my friend

Dear Friend,

In our darkest times, fear tends to creep into our lonely hearts. Fear just convinces us to give up all hope and abandon all thoughts of what used to be. Happiness becomes a thing of the past and our little hearts begin to turn cold but not by our own choice. The world as we know it becomes a different place. Fate, as it seems, dealt you a bad hand and you are left with the emptiness and sadness.

 So my friend out there listen to my words, you have to control your life. If you want to get lost and caught up in your own sadness and think you are not worth living  then I hope you can find solace in knowing you are not alone and nor is the world out to prove you’ re the only person in existence that feel this way.

I feel, people have forgotten how to interact with one another. We text, email, rely on social networking in order to communicate yet we forgot what it is to be personal. Remember that just because the day is cloudy doesn’t mean the sun isn’t there. We have to look beyond our boundaries. To deal with grief  is merely a stepping stone in handling what it is to be alive. Sure it hurts for now but like death we will all have to go down the same road someday. You are no different. Life is what you make of it. Use the time you have wisely. No one in the world is to blame but you. If you believe in a higher power, take comfort in knowing God created millions of people for you to learn from. Take the time to love yourself and learn from others. Stop trying to convince yourself that your life is over .

 I have been on the same road. I have been on my knees and didn’t know how to get up because at the moment there were no friends of mine close by. I was given the strength to rise from above.It wasn’t easy but I am proof you can do it. All you have to do is start believing in yourself.

Close this chapter in order to write a new one. Life is nothing more than a series of lessons. If we don’t learn from those lessons, what have we truly learned? Stand up tall because today is a new day. The sun still shines despite your heart and head trying to convince you otherwise. Just because you can’t see tomorrow doesn’t mean you can’t change it or make it better than today.

With lots of love and support,

Your truly
